
“Call for papers”- International Cattle and Pig Conference

Cattle And Pig Congress 2020

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will host the International Cattle and Pig Conference – Agriculture and Science are Shaping the Future from 22 to 24 September in Bonn. The aim of this conference is to deepen cooperation between cattle and pig farmers worldwide and to discuss the most recent scientific findings in this area. We are looking forward to an interesting conference covering a wide array of livestock science topics for scientists and practitioners:

  • Animal breeding and genetics: what will cattle and pig breeding look like in the future?
  • Robust breeds, animal genetic resources and gene banks
  • Economy: how can the profitability of cattle and pig farming be improved?
  • Animal husbandry: what needs do cattle and pigs have?
  • Climate change: what are the effects and the impact of cattle and pigs on the environment and climate protection?
  • Animal health: what are the opportunities of breeding for resistance?
  • How do different factors affect sustainability and interdisciplinarity – for instance, caught between the conflicting priorities of animal welfare, resource efficiency and economy?
  • How to achieve biodiversity, bioeconomy and sustainability in cattle and pig breeding
  • Other topics

We would like to ask all those interested in giving a lecture or displaying a poster at the International Cattle and Pig Conference to submit a summary of their contributions here. The deadline for entries is April 13th, 2020.


mit Unterstützung der
Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank

Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (BRS)
Adenauerallee 174, 53113 Bonn